Saturday 5 May 2018

How to Get Big VOLUMINOUS Hair

It's not the 80's but bit BIG HAIR is back and XXL volume has never been hotter. Thanks to our beautiful friend Sarah Angius for sharing her top tips and tricks for amping up the volume on your locks. 

What are your tips & tricks to create extra volume in your hair? Share below :)


Friday 4 May 2018

6 Healthy Ways to Pamper Yourself This Mother's Day..!!

 Hello beautiful Mother's Out there ,

For all the mom's it's Family Time..!! You sacrifice daily to make sure your loved ones are happy & healthy. We applaud your scarifices , miracles you work to make your family healthier & Strong.

As Mother's day right around the corner , we want to give you some healthy way to include on your big day, whether it's your first or twentieth or your loved one looking to treat your mom, then here are the few ways for all the mom's can feel better this Mother's Day..!!

1. Laugh Out :

Hangout with your best friends , visit a comedy club or watch your favorite comedy show on TV, choose which ever way you like but spend some quality time & stay happy..!!

2. Grab a cup of Green Tea :

Green tea is rich in Antioxidants, drinking green tea smooth-ens your skins & flushes out the bad toxins controls weight  , gives you more youthful appearance through the day.

3. Exercise :

Today would be the perfect day to start cleansing your body by working out. If you haven't started then this day would be the perfect day to have a new beginning of NEW YOU..!! grab a pair of shoes & put on some stetchy clothes -- wearing colorful clothes to workout daily makes you feel workout daily,not the least put on some music on you will completely burn those extra kilos . Try giving your self a target so that by next Mother's day you can reach your goal as well.

Or else., If you are planing for your mom , try gifting her a membership either in a GYM or Zumba Class to give her push that will help to one step to reach her goal.

4. Practice yoga:

Yoga helps increase flexibility and strength . But don't forget to breath through out . Yoga relives stress and clams down your mind and get refreshed. Don't forget Yoga pants ..!!

Grab a Yoga Matt  for yourself .

5.Bubble Bath:

Pull out some time for yourself & take bubble bath , pamper yourself with a hair-mask , manicure, pedicure at home. Sounds heavenly... So what your waiting for?? 

6. Spa :

Perhaps the easiest way to relax yourself , treat yourself with luxurious Facial, full body massage.

However you decide to relax this Mother's day , indulge in ways that you feel healthy.. you deserve it.  Get ready for a Candle Night Dinner, put on some Foundation, Kajal, Mascara, Lipstick , you never know your husband might have planned some surprise ..!! 

Now, tell us below  what your indulgence will be this Mother's day?


Thursday 26 April 2018

New Mom's Must Have Products That No One Will Tell You About

Hi Guys..!!

I would like to Introduce a new series Tales of New #momlife , but i am little conscious to mention my name so Sorry for that...!! i will be expressing through my blogs,  

These items will save your Life as a new mom

Like any other women i recently delivered a baby "BOY" you guys are thinking why did i highlighted boy??? we were expecting a GIRL a child , forgot to mention i am first mom .. .!! I am a working working women who loves her job & family...!! i wanted to express my feeling but would love to express it through blog, now lets get stated. 

First thing you will need is a Nursing Pillow...!!

Imagine snuggling a medium sized ball in to your chest for 30 mins for every two hours , that's what it looks like while breast-feeding a new Born Baby. The Pillow helps you give some support to your arms & back. It helps you as well as baby have some comfort while you breast feed for whole 30 mins or more some times...!! :P 

For the best buy you can find them Online as well. Take a look at they have few varieties of pillows with different colors & textures & with 40% discount on each product. 

Here are the few Links you can purse them at Amazon :

Second one would be Breast cups:

You will never know unless you start breastfeeding you baby...!! There are so many breast related accessorizes for the new mom's out there. These would help you for the first time latching your baby really well. Here is the Link to to buy cups : 

Third One would be Pacifier :

Yes you have read it right it is MUTE BUTTON. It is not just a Pacifier , also your life savior. 
You can buy them at here are the few link to it

Or else you get one from your nearest Store .

Diaper Bag:

Every mom knows that a diaper bag is essential, but what you might not realize it in a right away ,Your diaper bag essentially becomes your purse for the next few years.Silly thing is that your Handbag may vanish & it might look like your baby's Diaper Bag..!! :P This is what i brought for my self -

Here are the few Diaper Bag link to

Never Too Many Rompers

Let me emphasize: You can never have too many simple white Rompers. Babies poop. Infact A lot. That poop does not always stay in their diaper, and you will have to change them a gazillion times a day. Instead of ruining adorable outfits at home, just throw another white onesie on ! Clean baby.

Choose them according to the climatic situations , because Right now in India Summer has already started so we don't want our babies to irritated with full sleeves Rompers, so choose the best one , you can find the best ones at

Sorry don't mind linking all the products from Amazon might feel that this a sponsored one but NO THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED ARTICLE , i prefer Amazon as reasonable & best place to fulfill all your needs  

Saturday 1 October 2016

Things To Do For A Perfect SPA Day at HOME

Hello my beautiful Ladies...!! Enjoying your Weekend at HOME??? 

Pampering yourself can include a wide range of activities, all of which should be tailored towards making you feel happy and relaxed. Whether you are pampering your body, mind, or heart, sit back and relax. When you are pampered, you enjoy being it.

Pull your hair back ,it's time to get started...!!

  • Start by removing your Makeup : Remove dirt & oil from the skin surface by gently washing the Face & Neck with your Skin type Cleanser.

  • Scrub to Exfoliate: Exfoliate helps by unblocking the surface of the Skin, thereby allowing the products to penetrate the skin better. Apply a gentle face scrub to damp skin and massage it into skin with your fingertips . DO this about 30 secs & rinse.

  • Get Steamy..!!:Warmth softens the skin, increases circulation,and also promotes better products penetration . To steam at home, your can use towel soak in hot water(be sure to check the temperature of towels before putting them anywhere near your face). Another way to steam your face at home is to drape a towel over your head and stand above steam pot of water. Again be Safe!

  • Mask:Choose a mask that is appropriate your Skin type and follow package directions . Be sure to use a toner after the mask is removed.
In the mean while ... take a warm bubble bath :), Lighten up the candles to create a comfortable atmosphere in your room. Put on some Light music. Make yourself feel that your at Luxury SPA..

  • Moisturise: After the 10-15mins , remove your mask & wash your face gently. Apply moisturiser and eye cream.
Lie down and relax , enjoy your hot cup of tea/coffee (beverage of your choice). Paint your nails a colour that make your feel happy .

If you have some more time to relax and pamper yourself , here is the body scrub makes you feel refreshen:

Coffee & Raw Sugar : 2tbsp
Coconut Oil : 1tbsp
Olive Oil : 1tbsp
Sea Salt

Mix together Coffee, raw sugar, sea salt & then add Coconut oil & olive oil . Scrub it all over your body . It softens your body. Enjoy!!

Happy Weekend & Happy Spa Day ...!!

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Friday 3 June 2016

10 commandments to wear bright lipstick

I love bright and bold lipsticks. But to pull one off isn’t as easy as it looks. Some common problems most gals face: color fading unevenly, flaking lipstick, ugly smears, worries of looking tarty or just simply OTT. If you answered a resounding “Yes” to any of these problems, then it’s time to sharpen your bright lippie smarts with these ten never-fail rules. It’s time to get your bright lips game on.

1. Exfoliate:

There is nothing worse than wearing a bright lipstick on chapped or flaky lips. The key to stopping lipstick from flaking is exfoliating your lips. You need a clean, smooth canvas to work with. A good scrub will exfoliate your lips, removing dead skin. Grab a wet wash cloth or a good lip exfoliator and scrub away that dead skin. A simple sugar and lemon juice scrub works just as well.

2. Moisturise:

It’s important to keep your lips moisturized and hydrated at all times. This will keep your freshly scrubbed lips soft, hydrated and smooth, making for a smooth lipstick application. Apply lip balm overnight and whenever your pout starts feeling dry, but never just before wearing lipstick because the color won’t stick to your lips.

3. Choose the right shade:

Wearing the wrong shade that doesn’t match your skin tone is a beauty’s worst nightmare. You don’t want to look OTT with a very bright hue that clashes with your skin tone. Neither do you want to look washed out like the walking dead. Every skin tone is different, and there’s no right or wrong shade per se. But here are some general guidelines to guide you.Fair Skin Tone: Bright pinks, peachy pinks or deep reds will work well.

Medium Skin Tone:  You are lucky! Almost every shade looks lovely on your skin tone.

Dark Skin Tone:  Dark lipstick shades look striking on dusky skin tones. Choose a deep berry, burgundy or wine shade. You could even choose a fuchsia pink color for maximum effect.

4. Apply a base:

If you want your color pay off to last for hours, apply a base first. You could use your regular foundation or concealer to just buffed lips. This will create a clean slate to start with, plus it will allow your lipstick to stay on for long.

5. Line it:

For many of us lip liners make for such as outdated look. Not so! In fact, it’s a savior for bright lipsticks and helps more precise application. Plus, it keeps your lipstick from straying.  The only rule you MUST follow to avoid look like a vamp from the ’80s: Choose a lip liner in a shade that matches or is lighter than your lipstick and fill in the borders with lipstick.

6. Start from the middle:

Never start any lipstick application form the corners of your lips. Always start from the middle of your upper lips and blend it outward using a lip brush. The corners are narrower and starting from there will make the lipstick bleed.

7. Avoid staining your teeth:

 Lipstick on teeth is a totally avoidable look. Here’s a quick fix to avoid this faux pas: Close your mouth around your index finger and pull it out with a pop.  This will remove the excess lipstick form the inside of your lips that normally ends up getting on your teeth.

8. Apply, blot and re-apply:

If you want the lipstick to last long after lunchtime, apply and blot with a tissue. Repeat till you’re happy with the coverage. Then cover your lips with a thin tissue paper and dab on some translucent powder. This will seal your lipstick.

9. Clean the sides:

Use a clean tissue and wipe the excess form the outline of your lips. Then with a concealer and a flat brush redefine the lip line. This will not only give you a neat application but will also define your lips.

10. Balance the rest of your makeup:

Once you have your statement lipstick on point, remember to keep the rest of your makeup minimalistic. Your bright lips are going to grab eyeballs so keep the focus on them. Either go incredibly minimal with a sheer foundation, mascara, and a brushed-up brow for day glam, or amp it up with smoky kohl for a dramatic evening look. Just make sure to bring balance to your look.

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